
GCC Specs and American Specs difference in Cars should to know

Thought of buying a car in UAE, and have already decided to purchase your future car from the Dubai car market.

There are a few things you need to consider before you make the final deal.

Characteristics and finding the difference between GCC and American cars.

Often buyers face a constant dilemma in determining the difference between American specs and GCC. Each has its own advantages and its own disadvantages.

In case you know the difference, it will be much easier to choose something specific.

We have prepared a comparison guide to help the future Emirates car owner understand the difference between GCC and US specs.

GCC Specs and American Specs difference in Cars should to know 1

The GCC specifications are aimed at operating to meet the needs of elevated summertime temperatures.

In short, there are not many significant differences between GCC and US specifications. From one brand to the other, you can see noticeable differences.

Interior, optional accessories, powertrains, and interior trim quality. With the knowledge of some of the major differences, you can easily make the right decision for yourself when choosing a used car in the market in UAE.

GCC Specs and American Specs difference in Cars should to know 2

Improved corrosion protection in GCC specification

Vehicle parts are more likely to corrode due to the high humidity in the Arab Emirates. GCC cars have a protective coating on their parts designed to fight corrosion.

If my car meets GCC specifications - how can I find out?

There are several ways to check if your car meets GCC specifications. And the first is to check the vehicles VIN. Starting with the letter “W”, it is definitely a GCC specification car.

It is important to note that this is not a hundred percent guarantee, but nevertheless, it is worth checking first. Also, an important point is the chassis plate on the door card is in Arabic, the stickers may have a phone number from the GCC. Check the side mirrors, Arabic lettering may be present.

What to choose - American features vs. GCC features in the auto.

Improved filtration system in GCC versions

The filtration system ( oil filter, air filter and cabin filter) in GCC cars are much improved. Sandstorms can happen in UAE at any time, which can expose the mechanical system of the engine to critical dust and sand. And if your future car lacks an advanced filtration system, the engine will face serious problems in the form of mechanical damage and restricted air flow to the system.

GCC vehicles have an improved engine filtration system compared to their American counterparts that better prevents dust particles from entering the system.

GCC Specs and American Specs difference in Cars should to know 3

To survive in the Gulf region, cars with GCC specification are better suited . And for this reason, last longer and have a higher resale value in the local market. For those planning to import a car into the UAE, it is paramount to check the chassis VIN number, make sure the car has no accident history.

This concludes our brief guide to the difference between US specs and GCC. We hope you have been able to get the information you need to choose the car that is best for you.

GCC Specs and American Specs difference in Cars should to know 4
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